Ford Lincoln Mercury FO38 Smart 2 in 1 FO38 auto pick decoder
Ford lincoln Mercury FO38 smart 2 In 1 is obd2tuning smart Ford lincoln Mercury Locksmith Tools. Ford lincoln Mercury FO38 auto lock pick and key decoder Found on: Ford, lincoln and Mercury. Ford lincoln Mercury FO38 auto locksmith tools wholesale from ADKtech.
Ford lincoln Mercury FO38 Smart 2 in 1 FO38 auto lock pick and key decoder
Ford lincoln Mercury FO38 Smart 2 in 1 auto pick and decoder Ford lincoln Mercury FO38 Auto Locksmith tools
Ford lincoln Mercury FO38 auto key pick Ford lincoln Mercury FO38 car key Decoder
Ford FO38R Found on: Ford, Lincoln and Mercury
Generation 1...Wafers in positions 1,2,3,4,5 and 6
Generation 2...Wafers in positions 2,3,4,5,6 and 7
Generation 3...Wafers in positions 3,4,,5,6,7 and 8
All wafers in this lock were stamped/numbered
This particular lock is a generation 2 lock, with wafers in positions 2 to 7
To test...Insert the tool into the lock and (without tension) test each position to find
which has a wafer in it, if there is a will fee the bounce
If you feel bounce in positions 2,3,4,5,6 and 7 and positions 1 and 8 feel dead..then
you have a "Generation 2" lock
Likewise, if you have a "Generation 3" lock, you would feel bounce in position 3,4,5,6,7 and 8. and positions 1 and 2 would feel dead
To decode the lock Read in the SAME direction as it was picked
After Running through instacode, it came up with only one code
Code Bitting
1031X 12421353
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